Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ferguson is Best

This week's Nielsan TV ratings show that Craig Ferguson, the host of CBS's The Late Late Show, is ahead of Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel in ratings following the late night greats Leno and Letterman.

Ferguson became the host of The Late Late Show in 2005 and significantly increased the viewership following the shows inception in 1995.

After watching all the Late Night shows at some time or other, I have to say Ferguson's is the best. While Leno is endearing, if there isn't a presidential scandal going on his jokes can often seem stale or flat. O'Bryan and Letterman do nothing for me, as one is too silly and the other too dull.

Ferguson, however, is right in the middle. He is sincere and honest, while still having enough comedy in his show to be entertaining.

For more info on Craig's Show check out the show's blog for more updates.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Neuroses Feeds on Finals Fatigue

It is "Finals Fatigue" time yet again.
I swear finals come around almost as much as periods.

That's menstrual cycles, not punctuation.

Anyway, I have just finished a semester long project that required much planning, organization, detail, etc. And I kicked it in the handbook (which...for those of you who aren't taking Jodi Egerton's magazine writing a new explitive meaning whatever it is that your being frustrated by to the point of ripping your hair out).

Now all that is left is one magazine article (almost finished), one tiny 'lil essay, and two tests.

Bring it on StEdwards.

Bring it on.

Thursday, April 30, 2009



My blog spaces itself out weird. I don't know why.

Oh Melanie...Your Face

As I exited my room this evening after having worked on a paper and talking to a friend, I noticed my sister was watching Working Girl.

All I have to ask is...Melanie...what the fuck happened to you?

Why did you do it?

You were soft and pretty. A real woman. Something we all could admire.

Then you caved to everyone else's opinion and got leaner, meaner, and just different.

I can't say I blame you. It's hard to ignore the media's beautiful stick thin representatives of the female population. And it gets to me too. I am way to critical of my own appearance and sometimes find myself wishing I looked like them.

But not too often.

So Melanie, I won't criticize. You've done me a favor today. Reminded me that I look fine the way I am.