Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Everyone knows that point where they are totally exhausted...right.

And everyone knows when you push past it...and get to the point of total...floatsie.

Like that is the only way to describe it. Floating along on a cloud. Not a care in the world.

Almost killing yourself when you go to school because you can't focus while your driving.

Going to the old apartment after school, realizing you don't live there, and having to turn around after feeling like a total idiot.

I have never felt so tired in my entire life. Or if I have...I was so exhausted that I forgot it. After packing, moving, and catching up with homework after Spring Break I can honestly say that I have no more energy left. Yet I find myself pushing forward, applying for summer school, internships, and summer fellowships.

I can't remember when I became an over-achiever.

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