Friday, February 27, 2009

An Excersise in Futility

After weeks of classes, homework, and sleeping I have decided that my future writing career would benefit from having a blog, which will serve as a daily journal of sorts. You, my readers, (what few I will likely have) will get to see the inner-workings of my mind and listen to me rant about whatever I feel like. Such as why Batman is infinitely better than Superman. Don't argue with me. He just is.

You may be wondering why you should pay attention to me at all, and I honestly have no real answer except that I am usually funny, and tend to have tiny nuggets of wisdom hidden deep within my perfunctory prose.

In case anyone wonders about my "Elizabethan" nickname, it was bestowed upon me at a very early age by my wonderfully cute father.

All in all, I have yet to really decide if I have anything worth saying, but I suppose we (I am at least forcing my family members and my sister's boyfriend to read this) will find out.

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