Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Golden Girls

You know...there's nothing quite as satisfying as watching a few episodes of The Golden Girls before drifting off to dreamland. Something about the girls are so soothing. As if your grandmother had her friends over and was rubbing your back to put you to sleep.

The girls have spunk. They have class and sass. They also come on at the most ungodly hour.

I used to watch the girls right after Fraiser on Lifetime Television Network for Women, but they have changed the lineup. Now they are showing Desperate Housewives after Fraiser, which is nowhere near soothing, but rather manages to ruffle my feathers and make me want to eat some ice cream. Couldn't tell you why. Perhaps its because looking at Teri Hatcher run around like a chicken with her head cut off makes me want to vomit.

Good news champs! If you too want to enjoy the magic that is Dorthy, Sophia, Rose, and Blanche then tune into the Hallmark Channel at night! That's where you can find them!

Kisses n Stuff.

1 comment:

Cassie Mycoskie said...

I used to watch The Golden Girls a lot in college. You are right. It is soothing. Sophia is my favorite!