Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chicken Chicken...Neck

Well America, here is today's story.

So I'm roasting my turkey...

That's right. I roasted a turkey today...and I start feeling like I want a snack.

I had an apple for breakfast and I don't particularly care for plums, so those were out.

Wheat thins weren't doin' it for me...I wasn't feeling toast at all...and everything else in the pantry was too healthy to eat. It was as I was taking the boiling giblets off the eye (makes a good broth for gravy), that the revelation came to me. I figured why the hell not.

I plopped that turkey neck out of the broth and onto a plate...got a napkin...and tried it! I was surprised. It tasted...not unlike chicken. Once I forgot it was a neck, I was in hog heaven - or chicken as it were.

Not too shabby America...not too shabby.

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