Monday, April 6, 2009

I DVR'ed Twitter

Does anyone really know what Twitter is?

I mean I have heard that it is a mini blog...but I am just not sure how accurate that is. All these @yowchamagowcha and @mrsbocefus are confusing. I mean do people actually see it when you do all this crap? Or is it just for my own mindless entertainment.

Which I have no problem with if it is. My mindlessness constantly needs to be maintained. I find that King Baby and other comedy shows that I DVR on the television only take up about 10 hours of the day. The other two hours my brain needs something to not focus on!

Speaking of DVR...

Why is it that every time I watch a recording...I forget to fast forward the commercials. I don't particularly pay attention to any of them...but I have been trained to listen to the droning. I was really surprised when I first got the DVR a few weeks ago (yeah I'm behind) and realized how little of a television show is the actual show. Most of it is commercials.

I feel so used. It hurts.

Wait...that's dinner.

Someone start following this damn blog.


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